Welcome to the Town of East Granby's 2026 Plan of Conservation and Development webpage! Information about the Plan, Community engagement, surveys and more will be shared on this page.

What is a Plan of Conservation and Development?

A Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD, the “Plan”) is an advisory document that serves as a municipality’s official action plan for its future land use, development, and conservation goals. The plan outlines a town’s physical, social, economic and governmental conditions and trends to formulate a community’s vision for its future. POCDs contain information on a municipality’s housing supply, recreation, transportation, social services and public utilities which assist in identifying community needs pertaining to these areas. The plan is not a mandate but instead aids as a comprehensive set of policies, goals, and implementation strategies that guide the physical and economic development of a municipality. The execution of the PoCD is carried out by the town’s staff, boards and commissions, community groups, and private development.

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